Feel beautiful in 5 steps

Hello everybody !  Welcome to my blog 😉

 I hope you are well, if you are not well, I hope that after reading this article you will feel better.

 Follow me on insta: samwo_rld and subscribe to my blog!

 Good reading !
So in this article we will talk about the different steps to feel beautiful.

 Today the fact of not feeling beautiful or beautiful is a fairly widespread phenomenon unfortunately.  Various factors are at the origin of this feeling, such as puberty, comparison, weight gain, pregnancy….  And this situation can lead to depression, even suicide.

 So I decided to write this article, because I myself lived this situation where I did not find myself beautiful, limit I even hated myself, I never looked at myself in the mirror and fortunately today I  feel better about myself, I feel beautiful, suddenly I wanted to share with you my experience.

 Come on, let's go! 😉

1. Heal your hurt soul :

When I was little, my cousins ​​often told me you have big eyes, you are ugly and your sister is beautiful and as I was very thin, they made fun of the size of my feet which according to them looked like toothpicks  (literally yes) and all of these comments hurt and hurt me deeply.

 And it could be that like me you received hurtful comments or even that you said to yourself things harsh and nasty (as I look like a potato, I am awfully ugly and ugly ...) or even it could have done without  things in your life that have badly bruised your soul, that have made you lose confidence in yourself and that today make you feel more beautiful and I would like to tell you today that time that you will not think about these sores,  as long as you don't turn the page, whatever you do (make-up, cosmetic surgery, weight loss, etc.), you will never feel beautiful.

 So before I tell you how I heal my wounds, I would like to inform you that healing is a process.  It doesn't happen in the blink of an eye, it takes time to heal the wounds of the soul.  And deeper your wounds  longer it will take to heal.  But know that once you start the healing process, everything will get better and better.  I entered the process in late 2018 (it was during the holiday season).  And I can assure you that I am completely healed.

 So what helped me heal these wounds is God (seriously).  The bible says Jesus came to heal the broken heart, so I said to him, this is Jesus I believe you came to heal the broken heart and I have a broken heart and that prevents me from moving forward  heal me please, and then I learned that it was written God made Man in his image and I said to myself, I don't think God is ugly, so if he is beautiful it means that I too  I am beautiful.

 Add to that I decided to change my way of thinking.  Instead of saying nasty and negative things to myself, I started to say more kind and more positive like I am beautiful, I am a wonderful creature.

 If you do not believe in God, I will give you a little tip that I read in Demi Lovato's book: take a sheet, write I am beautiful and wonderfully made, hang it next to your mirror or in a place  where you will be able to constantly see there and every time your eyes fall on it you say I am beautiful and wonderfully made.

 As you tell yourself this, it will become a truth for your soul and you will begin to heal and get better.  Know that you deserve it and that you are wonderfully beautiful.

2. Learn to love yourself as you are:

Would you dare to tell your father or your mother, you are ugly, you are ugly, you are fat?  I imagine not, yet that’s what you do every time you say that to yourself.  Sometimes we don't realize how bad we are with ourselves that is why we have to learn to love ourselves.  Learn to love yourself:

 - It is learning to accept yourself: perfect beauty or perfect body does not exist, what you see on Instagram and on other social networks is FAKE !!!!  no one is perfect, we all have strengths and weaknesses.  If we don't understand this and accept it, we will never feel beautiful and we will suffer all our lives.  Puberty left me with a wonderful stretch mark on my buttocks, I tried to get rid of it, but nothing so I had the choice between starting to be depressed and never daring to put on my swimsuit or tell myself  OK I have stretch marks but this is not the end of the world and that is not what defines me.  I chose the second option and I have never been so happy with my physique.

 - It is learning to be patient and to tolerate our body: when I was about 15 I started taking medication to calm my allergies and these medications made me gain weight.  So already that I did not find myself gaining weight was a real disaster.  Unfortunately there was nothing I could do, I waited for the time to finish my treatment, then I lost weight.  Maybe, like me, you are taking drugs that make you gain weight, or you are pregnant and have gained weight, or you are going through puberty and have acne in these cases.  what you can do is wait and try to accept your body while the situation changes, there is no point in getting depressed for that.  In all cases big or thin, acne not acne you are beautiful.

3. Try to change what we don't like if possible :

Generally when someone says I do not find myself beautiful or I do not like my body, in reality it is not his whole body that he does not like, but a thing or a set of things.  I know it's sometimes easier to get depressed and say I'm ugly that's all.  But I would like to tell you that this is not the right approach to follow, you have to shake yourself up a bit and try to change things.

 Puberty left me with acne and acne scars.  And I spent my time getting depressed because of it.  So when I decided to change things in my life, I bought an anti acne cream.  And a few weeks later I had no more pimples and my scars started to fade.

 So what I advise you to do is to start by defining what is bothering you and try to change it if possible.  Attention I do not recommend cosmetic surgery!

 For example if what is bothering you is your weight, then decide to adopt a healthier diet, and start playing sports in order to lose the pounds that bother you.  At times you may be discouraged, but tell yourself that you are doing it for your own good and persevere.

 If like me it's your skin that you don't like to see a dermatologist, and see with him the treatment that suits you best.  The cream I used is effaclar duo + posey rock, I highly recommend it!

 However if what you don't like in your body can only be changed by cosmetic surgery, I invite you to read on!

4. Stop focusing on your imperfections :

You may not be able to apply the previous step, because what is bothering you is not up to you.  It could be your nose, your chest, or your lips, in this case I would like to tell you that cosmetic surgery is not the solution.  Perhaps what you call faults is precisely what makes you unique and if you change it you will lose this little thing that makes you yourself!

 What I would recommend to you, however, is to stop focusing on what is bothering you and rather focus on your strengths.  Yes I am sure you have strengths.  Before I thought I didn't have one and one day a friend told me you are too beautiful, and I was there waiiit what?  She says yes, you have hips and beautiful buttocks and not me!  You may not see them like me, so I advise you to ask those around you.  Once you've targeted them, focus on them.

 If there is something I don't like about my body that I can't change, it's my size.  I'm 159cm tall and I'm more basketball than talented so what I did to stop focusing on it was to focus on my strengths.  For example when I dress I put on clothes that highlight my hips and my buttocks without falling into vulgarity, so when I look in the mirror my eyes focus on something other than my size.  And I encourage you to do the same.

5. Make yourself beautiful:

We often complain about not feeling beautiful, but in fact what in truth to feel beautiful?  Nothing.

 Feeling beautiful goes through little things.  Take care of yourself, do your nails, go to the hairdressers, do your eyebrows, do your eyelash enhancement, ... there is so much to do, to feel more beautiful.

 And also very important, put on clothes that match your body shape!  Put on clothes that do not suit us do not enhance us and can even make us ugly.

 Do your research to find out what your body shape is and what type of clothing fits you.  Don't hesitate to tell me if you want me to write an article about it in the comments!

 So I really hope this article has helped you, I want to tell you that you are beautiful and don't let anyone make you think otherwise.

 Feel free to leave me comments.  I give you big kisses!

 See you next week for another article!

 Disclaimer: The photos used in this blog do not belong to me!


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